Alta Media e Bassa Stagione a MagnoliaHouseinTuscany

High, medium and low Season

Rents are on a weekly basis. Fees vary according to high, medium or low season.

High Season: from July to August, from Christmas and New Year to Epiphany (minimum two weeks).

Medium season: From April to June and September Weeks with every kind of festivity or long weekend

Low season: Rest of the year

Services included (mandatory):

Housekeeping two hours a day + daily gardener + weekly pool cleaning service + welcome & release services.

Services not included (optional):

We offer the “Concierge” service (advices on “how to live in the house by a person of the house”, typical cuisine, special products, dinner reservation even at home etc.) for which we find correct an additional amount, with telephone and mail support. Obviously it is completely optional.

Il cuoco in casa

Abbiamo pensato che può essere di interesse avere la possibilità di fare ordini telefonici (o di persona) di piatti della cucina tradizionale toscana, di riceverli in casa per l’orario dei pasti. Anche questo è un servizio del tutto opzionale. Se sei interessato chiedi informazioni e condizioni.

General Conditions

To know all details of costs, reservation and of the general rules we kindly ask you to send an e-mail to: or call us (Tel: +39 06.8088175; Fax: +39 06.8081301; Mobile: +39 3930070079)

At the time of the reservation, the agreement will be signed and the 50% of the amount shall be paid to the account specified in such agreement. Upon receipt of the said amount, an email confirmation will be sent with all the details of the reservation. The balance, with the security deposit, shall be paid within a week from the start of the lease period and the correspondent receipt is a condition of entry and use of living. Failing this, the deposit will be retained as a penalty.

Name (required)

Email (required)

Phone (required)

Message (required)